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News & Events
Secondary Teachers' Day Celebration 2019
By Nordelyn Suaverde Silvestre
Sat, 28 Sep 2019

SGS celebrated Teachers' Day on 26 September, Thursday, to express the gratitude and appreciation of students for their teachers' hard work through the years. The celebration was held in the Parish Hall in the morning where the students had gathered to pay tribute to their teachers. 

Fun activities were planned for teachers and students to enjoy themselves that day. The air was full of excitement and the students gave a warm welcome to the teachers as they entered the hall. The programme started with a prayer of Doa Hari Guru recited by Md. Danial Akmal bin Shahrul Aminan of Year 10A. Principal Janidi Jingan followed suit by delivering a speech on the history of education in Negara Brunei Darussalam. He took the opportunity to remind students on the importance of education. Chai Wei Tung, the Assistant Head Boy, took to the stage to thank the teachers for their wonderful work and undying dedication towards the students.

The celebration continued with various games participated by teachers and students. There were roars of excitement and lots of laughter as the most anticipated game of the day for the teachers, Musical Chairs, was played. A simple song was delivered by three students of Year 11B.

Bags of souvenirs were given as tokens of appreciation to the teachers from the students. The teachers were later invited to a light refreshment to end the celebration.

Thank you teachers of St.George's School for your dedication and support!

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